Chapter 4 The Hobbit Summary

Chapter 4 the hobbit summary – Embark on a thrilling journey with Bilbo and the dwarves in Chapter 4 of The Hobbit, where courage, wit, and friendship triumph over adversity. From encounters with cunning trolls to the cleverness of riddles, this chapter unfolds a captivating tale that explores the depths of character and the power of unity.

Plot Summary

Hobbit summaries

In Chapter 4 of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins and the dwarves continue their journey towards the Lonely Mountain. They encounter three trolls, William, Bert, and Tom, who plan to eat them. Bilbo’s quick thinking saves the group by distracting the trolls and causing them to argue with each other.

As the sun rises, the trolls turn to stone, and the dwarves are able to escape.

Bilbo’s Cleverness

Bilbo’s quick thinking and cunning play a crucial role in saving the group from the trolls. He realizes that the trolls are slow-witted and easily distracted. He uses this to his advantage, engaging them in a conversation to keep them occupied.

When the trolls start to argue, Bilbo seizes the opportunity to escape and alert the dwarves. His cleverness and resourcefulness prove invaluable in this perilous situation.

Character Development

Chapter 4 the hobbit summary

In Chapter 4, Bilbo’s character undergoes significant development. His encounter with the trolls reveals his courage and resourcefulness, while his interactions with the dwarves highlight the growing bond between them.

Encounter with the Trolls

Bilbo’s encounter with the trolls is a turning point in his journey. Initially, he is hesitant and fearful, but when the dwarves are captured, he steps up and uses his wits to outsmart the trolls. He distracts them with riddles, leading to their downfall and the rescue of the dwarves.

Growing Bond with the Dwarves

As Bilbo travels with the dwarves, he gradually earns their respect and trust. He proves his worth as a burglar, using his stealth and cunning to overcome obstacles. The dwarves, in turn, begin to appreciate Bilbo’s company and his willingness to help them.

This growing bond is evident in their shared laughter and camaraderie, as well as their willingness to protect Bilbo in dangerous situations.

Themes and Motifs

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Chapter 4 of The Hobbit introduces several central themes that shape the narrative. These themes are explored through the characters’ actions, dialogue, and the use of literary devices such as motifs.

One prominent theme is the importance of courage. Bilbo, despite his initial reluctance, demonstrates bravery and resourcefulness in the face of danger. His willingness to stand up to the trolls and outsmart Gollum highlights the transformative power of courage.


The theme of friendshipis also evident in Chapter 4. The bond between Bilbo and the dwarves deepens as they face challenges together. Their loyalty and support for one another underscore the value of camaraderie in times of adversity.


Another important theme is the power of wit. Bilbo’s cleverness and ability to think on his feet prove invaluable. His victory over Gollum in the riddle contest showcases the importance of intelligence and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles.


The chapter also employs several motifs that reinforce these themes. The trollsrepresent the dangers and challenges that the characters must overcome. Their brutish nature and lack of empathy symbolize the forces of evil that Bilbo and the dwarves must confront.

The riddle contestserves as a metaphor for the battle between good and evil. Bilbo’s victory over Gollum through wit and cunning foreshadows the ultimate triumph of the forces of light over darkness.

Chapter 4 of The Hobbit introduces us to the Misty Mountains, where Bilbo and the dwarves face challenges. If you’re looking for a tasty snack to enjoy while reading, I highly recommend the Kruse and Muer bread recipe . It’s simple to make and pairs perfectly with the adventure unfolding in the chapter.

Symbolism and Imagery: Chapter 4 The Hobbit Summary

Chapter 4 the hobbit summary

Chapter 4 of The Hobbitis rich in symbolism and imagery that contribute to the overall meaning and depth of the story. The trolls, with their brutish nature and lack of hospitality, represent the dangers and challenges that the hobbits face on their journey.

The riddle contest, on the other hand, symbolizes the battle of wits and the importance of cleverness and cunning in overcoming obstacles.

The Trolls

The three trolls, Tom, Bert, and William, embody the forces of evil and adversity that the hobbits encounter. Their large size, grotesque appearance, and menacing behavior create a sense of fear and danger. They represent the challenges and obstacles that the hobbits must overcome on their quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.

The Riddle Contest

The riddle contest between Bilbo and the trolls is a pivotal moment in the chapter. It symbolizes the battle of wits and the importance of cleverness and cunning in overcoming obstacles. Bilbo’s ability to outsmart the trolls and save his companions demonstrates the power of intellect and the value of thinking outside the box.


Tolkien uses vivid and immersive imagery to create a realistic and engaging setting. The dark and gloomy forest, the towering trees, and the rushing river all contribute to the sense of adventure and danger. The descriptions of the trolls’ appearance and behavior are particularly effective in creating a sense of fear and revulsion.

Foreshadowing and Suspense

Chapter 4 of “The Hobbit” includes several instances of foreshadowing that hint at future events and create a sense of suspense and anticipation for the reader. These hints, along with the encounter with the trolls and the riddle contest, build tension and keep the reader engaged in the story.


One instance of foreshadowing occurs when Gandalf warns the dwarves and Bilbo about the dangers of the Misty Mountains. He mentions that the mountains are “not like any other mountains” and that they are “full of evil things.” This foreshadows the challenges and dangers that the company will face as they journey through the mountains.Another

instance of foreshadowing occurs when the dwarves and Bilbo encounter the trolls. The trolls are described as being large, ugly, and cruel, and they threaten to eat the company. This foreshadows the danger that the company is in and the challenges they will face in the future.

Trolls and Riddle Contest, Chapter 4 the hobbit summary

The encounter with the trolls and the riddle contest also contribute to the suspense and tension in the chapter. The trolls are a formidable enemy, and the company must use all their wits and skills to defeat them. The riddle contest is a particularly suspenseful moment, as the company’s fate depends on Bilbo’s ability to solve the riddles.The

trolls and the riddle contest serve to build tension and suspense in the chapter. They hint at the challenges and dangers that the company will face in the future and create a sense of anticipation for the reader.

Question & Answer Hub

What is the significance of the trolls in Chapter 4?

The trolls represent the dangers and challenges that Bilbo and the dwarves face on their journey. Their cunning and greed test the group’s resilience and unity.

How does Bilbo’s quick thinking save the group from the trolls?

Bilbo’s cleverness and resourcefulness allow him to outwit the trolls, preventing them from eating the dwarves and himself.

What themes are explored in Chapter 4?

Chapter 4 explores themes of courage, friendship, and wit. Bilbo’s bravery, the dwarves’ loyalty, and the importance of clever thinking are all highlighted throughout the chapter.